Baltimore Upholding

Baltimore Upholding

Owner: Ryan Flanigan an Baltimore based upholstery business. The logo is of a couch that is deconstructed as a visual metaphor. The lines extending and wrapping around the design are meant to be emblematic of the recycling icon without being so literal as to include it directly.

Dust N Rust

Dust N Rust

Run by magickal maker & curator of spiritual experiences Bobbi-Kym Johnston. We met in 2020, and I was able to help them create this logo for their business the following year. The font chosen was meant to be a stylistic nod to their roots in Texas, a more modern adaptation of what one might find on a western film’s small town shops. The triple goddess is a deity archetype that appears in spiritual religions, and is often represented by a full moon flanked by two crescent moons, which is how we chose to indicate the nature of the business itself.

DNR Instagram